About Mattain by Manal

Introducing Mattain by Manal!

Manal is the founder of Mattain. Manal has been passionate about growth, expansion, and innovation her whole life.
Connecting with her personal truth and celebrating as others make their connection is Manal’s true calling. It is Manal’s pleasure to co-create with you on this amazing journey. A journey towards alignment, balance, and harmony of body, heart, mind, and ego to lead to unconditional freedom, worthiness, and love.

mattain: /məˈteɪn/
  is a conduit to guiding you towards attaining your authentic life. The term mattain was coined by the founder of Mattain, Manal. 


Manal is an Arabic name meaning achievement, attainment, and success. 

Manal has defined mattain, /məˈteɪn/, to mean attaining your authentic life. Manal has been passionate about self growth, personal and professional satisfaction, obtaining a deeper understanding of ife and truly enjoy all aspects of life her whole life. She has always searched for the deeper meaning of our human existence, and has landed recently on recognizing the deeper meaning is about celebrating and honoring our human experience while constantly learning, growing and expanding. The only constant in life is change, Manal’s approach through mattain is to celebrate this change and to celebrate all aspects of your growth along the journey.

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