Exploring Your Emotional Body

awareness emotional body inspiration with manal live with manal Dec 01, 2022
Exploring Your Emotional Body Live with Manal


Exploring Your Emotional Body Live with Manal #exploringemotions 

Emotions, when used effectively, are a wonderful tool. The intention of this inspiration is to celebrate your emotions with the recognition that they are the tool for you to calibrate to your deepest desires.  

We are blessed in this human experience to feel. We feel a range of emotions from shame, guilt, apathy, grief, and fear to our highest vibrations of happiness, joy, excitement, love, and bliss.  

And although we all mostly prefer to vibrate on the higher range of the scale, all emotions are powerful. Our ability to feel is powerful. Our ability to experience the full range of emotions is powerful. Our ability to find compassion for others experiencing their full spectrum of emotions is just powerful.

Your emotions are your tool.

The low vibration emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, let us understand when we are out of alignment. They direct us to articulate our purest desires. They enable us to connect with our bodies, understand the effect of our thoughts, and identify reactions of our ego towards aligning with our authentic truth. They are designed to calibrate you to self-worth, freedom, and joy. 

High vibration emotions such as happiness, joy, excitement, love, and bliss are an indication that we are on the right track. That our thoughts and actions are in line with our inner beings and authentic truths. 

Your emotions are a compass that leads you towards alignment with your inner truth.

 Enjoy an inspiration with Manal to explore your emotional body. We will journey to calibrate to unconditional worthiness, freedom, and happiness.


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